[BOOK|RTF] African Rifles & Cartridges

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This is the 2nd edition of the book with a dust wrap illustrating C. Fletcher Jamieson with his Holland double. Having worked at Westley Richards for well on 13 years this has proved invaluable as we have been lucky enough to deal in so many great vintage rifles, both double and bolt action in every calibre mentioned in Taylors book. Being able to turn to this book in my early days was of real benefit when looking up the oddities that still arrived from India. Today we have in production double and bolt action rifles in. Taylor himself spent the greater part of his life as an ivory hunter, come poacher and was lucky enough to African Rifles & Cartridges around at a time when big game hunting and access to the rifles of the great British manufacturers of the time were both readily available. Whilst Taylors own exploits and life remain controversial, no-one can take away the fact that he wrote a fantastic book, one that has often been copied, but never bettered. The whole layout, photography and line drawings make for a great visual and informative book dealing principally with British big game calibres, rifles and hunting in Africa. One of the many photos taken by the famous hunter C. Fletcher Jamieson which illustrate Taylors book The line drawings and descriptions of the various cartridges and bullets make for a fascinating insight The Sable has always been a top trophy and one that I have always wanted to hunt. A modern era Westley Richards take down bolt action rifle in. In my own humble opinion no serious African hunter or avid gun collector should be without a copy of this book in their library. Taylor was always African Rifles & Cartridges great advocate of the. This entry was posted in,by. If my memory is correct you guys have six of those ole rusty nails, perhaps some blocking up emergency exists! I will consider myself doing a favor before somone stumbles on one going to the stairwell!! Good story Sir, I hope to read more from you in the comming weeks!!.

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